
What is Guadalinfo?

The Guadalinfo net is an Andalusian project that was born in 2003. Since the beginning this project tries to bring closer the new technologies to people, to shorten the so called “digital divide” and destroy the technological and formative barriers or any other kind of barrier in villages with less than 20000 inhabitants and collectives in risk of social exclusion in bigger populations.

In the territory, Guadalinfo has about 775 centers spread over Andalucia (50 of them in urban areas with population in risk of social exclusion – CAPIs – and the rest, covering the 100% of the townships of Andalucía with less than 20000 inhabitants), apart from 25 Andalusian Autonomous region in the exterior: CAES.

This net is promoted by the Local Government Board of Andalusia trough the Department of Employment, Business and Trade and eight Provincial governments of Andalusia whose management is directed by the Consortium Fernando de los Ríos. Moreover, the centers are locally managed by the city councils of each township.

If we focus at a local level, the Guadalinfo center of Olvera opened its doors located in C/Llana nº 60 (in front of Plaza Andalucía) in September 2004 when José María Medina was the head of the center. However, since February 2010 Jose Manuel Cruces is responsible for this centre as the Agent of Local Innovation. At the beginning of 2014 this center was moved to a wider establishment in “La Noria” facility, Plaza del matador, 17 where the infrastructure for the coaching has been improved.

Since the beginning it has been a center of public access to the Internet in which educational activities are carried out in order to make the citizenship literate digitally speaking and educational activities that go further in some matters like invigoration activities. More recently, it is being carried out some projects of social innovation and specific activities for helping to the unemployed collective to find a job and to renew their digital skills with regard to improve their employability as well as purely technological workshops related to the 3D printing or robotics.

Guadalinfo is also an accessible center as it has specialized equipment for blind people or people of reduced mobility


Nowadays it is offered a wide variety of services like:

  • Assistance with electronic paperwork: It is more common each time to do some paperwork with the electronic administration and the center eases the issue of subsidy certificates, to make appointments for diverse offices by the Internet, digital certificates issuing, etc.
  • Documents printing
  • Free Internet
  • Personalized companionship: citizenship advising on matters related to the ICT (Information and communication technology)
  • Making educational and invigoration activities: It is distinguished among two types of activities in the center, the invigoration activities which is more social-related and short in time and the purely educational activities, which are longer in time and with the possibility of course completion certificate.


Some examples of the carried out activities are:

  • Others
  • Electronic trade
  • Creation and efficient management of social networks
  • Blog creation and administration
  • Responsible use of the ICT (for teenagers and adults)
  • Approach to the ICT (basic, medium and advanced level)
  • Email creation and administration
  • Paperwork with the electronic administration
  • Issue and use of the digital certification
  • Image processing
  • Efficient use of smart phones
  • Collaborations and alliances: In order to do some of the activities offered by the center some collaborations with other entities are established like CADE, SAE, SEPE, women’s associations, AMPAs of schools, active elderly program, play center, business net of the township, among others.


Guadalinfo centre of Olvera

Plaza del matadero, 17

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Local innovation agent: Jose Manuel Cruces