Youth Information
C/. Lepanto, 2. Casa de la Cultura, 2ª floor
Tel 956130602 Fax 956131390
Goals of Youth Information
- To serve as a transition between the services for children and adults.
- To act as consultanat and orientation to the youth from a personal frame.
- To consolidate the library use as a system of information in the young population.
- To guide the assimilation and comprehension of the information in any of their shapes, encouraging the permanent learning.
- To offer information according to your needs and demands.
Youth Information Service Addressee
Perople who are between childhood and adulthood.
Fields of the Youth Information Service
- Bibliographic funds (Novel)
- Youth Information by topics:
- Leisure and Free Time
- Courses and Calls
- Employment and Formation
- Prizes and Competitions
- Scholarships and Grants for studying.
- Associativity
- Sexuality and Healthy Living Habits
- European Programs
- Dwelling
- Local Activities